Prueba 400 de Gentech Labs


Compre esteroides, incluida la prueba 400 en

Prueba Gentech Labs 400 mg

Enantato de testosterona 120 mg
Cipionato de testosterona 120 mg
Decanoato de testosterona 160 mg
400 mg / 1 ml
Vial multidosis de 10 ml
Para inyección intramuscular

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Comprar Test 400 - Información

Test 400 has recently exploded onto the market and is very popular among many bodybuilders of all ages. Test 400 has been specifically designed for bodybuilders as it contains Testosterone Propionate 25mg, Testosterone Enanthate 190mg and Testosterone Cypionate 185mg in each ml. Be warned this is a very strong blend of Testosterone.

Comprar Test 400 - Efectos secundarios

Test 400 can cause side effects such as acne, hair loss, prostate enlargement and it will shut down your natural hormone function. Most of the side effects begin as the body turns high levels of testosterone into estrogen due to the aromatase enzyme.

This side effect can be controlled by the use of anti-estrogens such as Nolvadex, Proviron or Arimidex which all work in different ways in controlling the estrogen but still get the job done. Anti estrogen products will help keep any water retention down so you do not look as bloated or puffy and will also combat any gyno (bitch tit) problems that some users are sensitive to.

Test 400 es una mezcla muy fuerte de testosteronas que, en algunos usuarios, puede convertirse en dihidrotestosterona, lo cual es una preocupación para algunos, ya que puede causar calvicie de patrón masculino, pero nuevamente, esto se puede controlar mediante el uso de Finasteride y Regain.

Comprar Test 400 - Beneficios en el culturismo

Al igual que con cualquier testosterona, aumentará la retención de nitrógeno en el músculo, hay informes de que aumenta el IGF-1 en el tejido muscular y el hígado y también tiene un papel activo en la reparación del tejido muscular dañado ejercitado a través de la actividad de las células satélite.

Test 400 is very highly anabolic and very highly androgenic and will cause a massive increase in strength and size which you will physically see in approximately 14 days. Test 400 is very popular amongst bodybuilders today and I have physically seen it produce dramatic results for competitive bodybuilders who were preparing for shows in recent years.

Comprar Test 400 - Apilamiento

Test 400 is the ultimate testosterone mass builder and is usually stacked on a bulking phase with the likes of Deca Durabolin and Dianbol or Anadrol 50. The Dianabol or Anadrol 50 should be used in the first 4-6 weeks of the cycle to kick start the whole process by up regulating the receptor sites, the Test 400 and Deca Durabolin would be continued for the full 8-12 weeks.

Towards the end of such a course many bodybuilders would add hardening steroids to stay in an anabolic state and tighten the gains made. To ensure you keep most of your gains when you come off a cycle including Test 400 it is very important that post cycle therapy products are used such as Nolvadex, Clomid and HCG.